讲座题目:Exploring physics beyond the standard model (BSM) in current and future neutrino oscillation experiments
讲座嘉宾:Mehedi Masud,韩国中央大学研究教授
讲座时间:2024年11月21日 15:00
ZOOM:824 7784 7016 密码:7Vdnhc

Mehedi Masud,2017年于印度普拉亚格拉杰(阿拉哈巴德)哈里什-钱德拉研究所(霍米·巴哈国家研究所)获得理学博士学位,2017年-2023年先后在西班牙瓦伦西亚瓦伦西亚大学CSIC粒子物理研究所(天体粒子与高能物理组)、印度布巴内什瓦尔物理研究所、韩国大田宇宙理论物理中心基础科学研究所等地做博士后研究员、客座科学家及高级研究员,2023年至今为韩国中央大学(高能物理中心)研究教授(深层地下中微子实验(DUNE)合作成员)。主要研究方向:高能粒子物理学,中微子振荡现象学,长基线实验(DUNE,T2HK,T2K,NOVA)标准模型以外的物理学(惰性中微子,非标准相互作用,洛伦兹不变性违反,大额外维度);天体粒子物理学(超新星产生的中微子,原始黑洞)。
After the discovery of neutrino oscillation, the current focus of the community is on various unresolved issues. These include the search for leptonic CP violation, determination of the correct neutrino mass ordering, the octant of the atmospheric mixing angle, as well as some more exotic new physics possibilities such as the implications of the existence of sterile neutrino(s), non-standard interactions (NSI), Lorentz Invariance violation (LIV), Large Extra Dimesnion (LED) etc. Several current (T2K, NOvA..) and future (T2HK, DUNE..) neutrino oscillation experiments are in the pipeline to search for these issues. In this seminar I will discuss about my work on probing these various new physics scenarios at long baseline experiments. I will also mention my recent works in probing exotic neutrino interactions in supernova neutrino spectra.