讲座题目:Novel carbonates
讲座嘉宾:Bjoern Winkler 法兰克福大学 教授
讲座时间:2024年11月6日 10:00

Bjoern Winkler is the head of the crystallography-mineralogy group at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University in Frankfurt a.M. in Germany. He received a diploma in Mineralogy/Crystallography from the Technical University of Berlin. He obtained his PhD in Mineral Physics in Cambridge (UK), and then worked as a post doc in the field of neutron scattering at the Center for nuclear studies in Saclay (France). Afterwards, he became an assistant professor in Kiel (Germany). Since 2002, he is full professor in Frankfurt. His main interest is understanding structure-property relations of crystalline materials. His group combines atomistic model calculations with state-of-the-art experiments (mostly laser-heated diamond anvil cell studies) to obtain and characterize novel compounds at high pressures and temperatures.
Carbonates are studied to address numerous questions in science and technology, as they are the major reservoir of carbon in the biosphere, hydrosphere, in soils and in the Earth's crust. They are important constituents in a large variety of consumer products, and play a fundamental role in technological processes.
In order to be able to establish comprehensive and predictive models for structure-property relations of carbonates, it is necessary to understand their structures and stability fields as a function of pressure, temperature and composition by carrying out synthesis experiments. We have recently shown that inorganic anhydrous pyrocarbonate salts, containing C2O5-groups as their defining structural unit, are a new family of carbonates. In my talk, I will discuss the relevance, synthesis, structures and properties of this new class of compounds.