报告题目:Scale-invariance in Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics and cosmology
报 告 人:Ruiwen Ouyang (欧阳瑞文)
单 位:National Institute for Chemical Physics and Biophysics (NICPB), Tallinn, Estonia.
报告时间: 2019年04月29日 15:00
报告地点:中心校区 物理楼 333报告厅
Theories with (classical or quantum) scale-invariance provide a dynamical origin of all mass scales and present a number of interesting aspects: they are an appealing framework to address the hierarchy problem and lead to naturally flat potentials and dark matter candidates. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the scale-invariance in the approach of beyond the standard model. I will concentrate on the general arguments of scale-invariance, by considering two explicit example: the hidden scalar QCD and the Electroweak Bosonic Seesaw Mechanism.